2 am
in the Subway (1904) *
A Sawmill
Hero (1911) |
A War Time Escape
The Amateur
Gentleman (1926)
An Arabian
Tragedy (1912)
Temples of Egypt (1912)
Ben Hur (1908) *
Bold Emmett,
Ireland's Martyr (1915) *
By a Woman's Wit
(1911) *
Captured by
Bedouins (1912)
The Claw (1927) *
The Colleen Bawn
(1911) *
Come Back to Erin
(1914) *
The Conspiracy of
Pontiac (1910) *
The Diver (1911) *
Down Through
the Ages (1912)
as it Was in Time of Moses (1912) *
The Fiddle's
Requiem (1911)
For Ireland's
Sake (1914) *
From the Manger to
the Cross (1912) *
The Further
Adventures of the Girl Spy (1911)
The Girl Spy Before
Vicksburg (1910) *
The Girl Spy:
An Incident of Ciwil War (1909)
God's Country and
the Law (1921)
The Green Goddess (1923)
Her Chum's
Brother (1911)
His Mother (1911) *
The Humming Bird
The Lad From Old
Ireland (1910) *
The Little Old
New York (1923) *
The Little
Soldier of '64 (1911)
Madame Butterfly
(1915) *
for Convenience (1918)
Beaucaire (1923) *
The Navajo's Bride
(1910) *
The Only Woman (1924)
Poor Little
Peppina (1916) *
Railroad Raiders
of '62 (1911) *
Folly (1926) * |
The Right Way (1921)
O'More (1911) * |
The Smugglers
(1916) |
Special Messenger
Tangled Lives
(1911) |
Timothy's Quest (1922)
When Lovers Part
(1910) *
a Widow (1912) |
You Remember
Ellen (1911) *