Sidney Olcott, le premier oeil
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 !  Les films présentés en 1910
The Deacon's Daughter The Romance of Trained Nurse
The Man Who Lost The Step-Mother
The Confederate Spy The Feud
The Fisherman's Granddaughter The Miser's Child
The Girl Thief Her Soldier Sweetheart
The Seminole's Trust
The Girl and the Bandit The Further Adventures of the Girl Spy
The Old Fiddler The Forager
The Bravest Girl of the South The Sacred Turquoise of the Zuni
The Love Romance of the Girl Spy The Egret Hunter
Between Love and Duty The Aztec Sacrifice
The Seminole's Halfbreeds The Cliff Dwellers
Friends The Navajo's Bride
The Castaways The Wanderers
The Miner's Sacrifice Grandmother
A Daughter of Dixie A Colonial Belle
The Perversity of Fate The Cow Puncher's Sweetheart
Leap for Life The Conspiracy of Pontiac
The Heart of Edna Leslie The Way of Life
The Lad From Old Ireland Seth's Temptation
The Little Spreewald Maiden The Girl Spy Before Vicksburg
When Lovers Part The Stranger

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©2009 Michel Derrien